There is a lot to be thankful for today but I'll keep it short.
I'm thankful that God's plans are good. That He loves me enough to take things I think I want away from me when they are harmful, has me walk through things that are challenging and outside my comfort zone because they will bring me closer to Him or bring someone else closer to Him. Though I don't understand why things happen or why they happen when they happen, I'm thankful that He isn't ever scrambling for a solution, but instead already knows the outcome and every step between now and then.
I'm thankful that He has surrounded me with so many amazing people who continually challenge, encourage and support me. Thankful that I have people to lean on when I'm weak and weary, and that He gives me strength when others need to lean on me. I've been blessed with a loving family...people who have to love me because we're related, and a whole group of people who choose to love me.
I'm thankful that I have so much to give, that God has entrusted me with so much, that I have the ability to share truth with others on a daily basis, that I was born in a country where I have every right available and it doesn't matter that I'm a woman, that I can worship God openly and gather with others to do the same without fear of punishment or death.
I'm thankful for the 22 years I had with Papa. That God was able to reconcile our relationship before it was too late. I'm thankful for not one, but two moms who love me more than any spoiled, sassy trouble maker should be loved. I'm thankful for a man who loves my mom so much he's willing to endure the rest of us and with a smile on his face to boot! I'm thankful for a sister who knows me better than I know myself and with one look at me can assess what's going on in my heart and speak truths in a way only someone who has been through it all with you is able to do. A brother-in-law that has been part of my life longer than he hasn't and loves us no matter how crazy we are. A little brother who has become a strong, responsible, handsome, independent man that impresses me each time we talk. And a "little sis" that has blossomed into an amazing woman in the time I've known her. Grandparents that are an amazing example of love, commitment, loyalty and dedication. Aunts, uncles, cousins that have all touched my lives in their own unique ways, inspired me to reach for the stars, welcomed me back after long absences, and picked up loving me right where we left off. And a nephew that stole my heart the moment he entered this world.
I'm a blessed girl. Praying everyone is able to spend this holiday with family and is reminded of what the holidays are really about.
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