Friday, November 9, 2012

Join the Club...

I am super impatient.  I hate waiting.  I will take a longer route somewhere if it means I can keep moving instead of being stuck in traffic.  I don't even care if it gets me there a few minutes later, I just can't handle sitting and waiting for the person in front of me to move 2 inches at a time.

It's no surprise that I'm waiting, have been waiting for quiet a long time.  Waiting for God to bring my husband into my life so I can live my dream to be a wife and mother.  I sometimes look at my married friends and think "oh, your life is so great because you aren't waiting for your spouse anymore."

I forget that everyone is waiting for something.  I've had some conversations with quite a few amazing women this past week and they have shown me that though God made me special and there is nobody else out there just like me, my situation is not unique in the slightest.

There are many women I know and love waiting for God to bless them with a baby, whether it be biological or through adoption.  They wait just as I do.  Feeling the pain of everyday that passes without seeing the answer to their prayers.  Some have been waiting for years, others are just starting the waiting process, but each one struggles to understand why God hasn't blessed them with this seemingly God-honoring request.

Other friends are waiting on a job.  Waiting to hear if their career will finally move in the direction they've been hoping and praying for.

All of us are waiting on something.  It's hard not being able to make plans or decisions easily, hoping circumstances will change before the "future" arrives.  Seeking God constantly on why He has us in this place when our heart so desires something more.

While I wait for something they already have, I sometimes think these women should stop complaining because they have the thing I want...couldn't they be happy with that?  But I know that's not how it works, this feels like the hardest thing to wait for, but when I'm married and waiting on a child to come into my life, that then will be the hardest thing...

Waiting is never easy.  It doesn't matter if it's watching the clock to punch out for the day, praying for healing from an illness, looking around every corner for "Mr. Right," continually going to interviews hoping this might be the right fit, or feeling the spot in your heart that will only be filled by a child you can call your own.  We may be waiting for different things, but we're all in this together, and we aren't in it alone.

God promises His plans are good.  Good, as in His version of good, not our sinful, human version of good.  He asks us to wait now, and it might not look exactly like we think, but the pay off later is always worth it.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

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