Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pinterest Thursday

Oh, Lionel!

Ain't that the truth Marianne!

I can see myself doing this...

Eventually you have to let go of your plan and figure out
what it is God has planned for you

Yes, cat, that is correct!
Love here for link to tutorial...
Click here to follow me on Pinterest.  And...don't forget, the Challenge starts tomorrow, click here for info!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


No, no...don't get too excited, it's actually only Wednesday.  But, on Friday something big is happening.  And it involves winning money!  What is it? you ask, and how can you join in?

Well, its the Challenge of more about it here, but first, let me answer some frequently asked questions:

1. But what if I don't have weight to lose/what if I don't lose weight?

This is not a weight loss challenge-it is a get into the habit of a healthy lifestyle challenge.  Weight loss/gain does not factor in at all.  This challenge is designed to help establish a healthy routine of exercise and consistency in eating.  The points are rewarded each day based on working out and staying within your calorie goals.

2. What if I'm not a huge gym person?  Can I still join?

YES!!  A "workout" is defined as 30 continuous minutes or more of any activity that raises your heart rate and causes you to break a sweat.  This doesn't have to be intense weightlifting or killing yourself on the treadmill.  It could be a swift walk, briskly cleaning your house, a pilates or yoga video that raises your pulse.  Do whatever works for you, just make sure you're doing 30 minutes (or more) and are working hard enough to break a sweat and elevate your heart rate.  We only give points for 5 workouts a week--everyone should be taking a few rest days anyway.  You are more than welcome to workout more but I will only count 5 per week.

3. I don't count calories, so I can't do this, right?

WRONG!!!  We have women on Weight Watchers who are getting the "Calorie" point by staying within their points.  Others are on low carb or gluten free diets so they earn their "calorie" point by sating on their plan.  The key is figuring out what is going to be most beneficial for you and being consistent.  I tend to over eat and portion size is always a problem so I choose to track my calories, keeping accountable to eating a healthy amount of food.  I use The Daily Plate which is free and allows me to put in my height, weight and activity level (not including workouts) plus my weight goals and it computes how many calories a day I should be consuming.  I then track what I eat throughout the day and any exercise I do and it gives me a detailed account of calories and all the nutrients I've eaten.  You can also use My Fitness Pal or any other tracking site/app.  If you need help determining what would be most beneficial for you, please message me and I'll help you figure it out.

4. I have medical issues...what do I do?

This challenge is completely customizable.  If you are on a specific diet, or exercise/therapy plan, just follow that and use those guidelines to track your W  (workout) and C (calories).

5. It's $20 to join?  Why?

Well...if there isn't an incentive most people fall off the wagon, or just never get on in the first place.  All the money goes straight into the prize pot and is awarded to the top 3 point earners at the end of the Challenge.  Prize money is awarded as follows:

1st Place: 50% of the pot
2nd Place: 30% of the pot
3rd Place: 20% of the pot

I don't keep any money.  This isn't about me making money people, it's about hosting a friendly challenge to hold each other accountable in reaching our personal goals.  The more people that enter, the more money there is to win.

The bottom line is, anyone can do this.  To join, message/email me with an email address that you will use to access googledocs and make sure your money is to me by February 8th!

Challenge starts Friday!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Roll Away Your Stone

I recently rediscovered my love for Mumford & Sons.  Sure, this isn't a new song, Mumford isn't the latest and greatest...they are becoming old news.  It's been ages since I've heard some Mumford--they used to be everywhere.

I enjoy pretty much everything I've ever heard from them, but this one particular set of lyrics from "Roll Away Your Stone" always hits me:

Seems that all my bridges have been burnt,
But you say that's exactly how this grace thing works

Its not the long walk home that will change this heart,
But the welcome I receive with the restart

Because when our bridges are burned, when we're out of ways to make our lives work the way we want them to, when we've done, said, thought things we never dreamed we would, when everyone has walked away and we don't deserve anything...grace is there.  God's grace swoops in.  The thing is, if you deserved it, even a little bit-it wouldn't be grace.  You  can't earn can't follow a set of rules, walk a narrow enough path, jump through the "right" hoops or otherwise be "good enough" to merit God's grace.  It's a gift...given freely.  Following rules, jumping through hoops, going through the motions...that's not enough to change your heart, but accepting the gift of grace, love, mercy...that is what will change your heart.

If not, darkness is what will dominate the things we see...we have a choice--we can hold tight to our desires, never yielding to anyone or anything (including God) with our stake stuck in the ground, or we  can give them (our desires) to God, let Him use us for His glory and honor.  Because when we align our desires and our hearts with God's, we are told we can ask for anything in prayer and it will be given to us.

John 15: 
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

#CocktailsOnCullom was quite a weekend!  The cocktail party was the main focus...decorating/prepping Friday night till way too late, cleaning, getting nails done, setting up, finishing touches and getting myself ready Saturday...but man, was it all worth it!  We had a great turnout...groups of friends from all areas of my life mingling with each other, good food and delicious drinks, photo booth fun, sparkly dresses and guys in ties...that's a recipe for fun, my friends!

Unfortunately I don't have pics other than a few photo booth shots...I'll have to see if anyone took pics of the rest of the party!!

For now...

My girl Emily...who saved the party on multiple occasions!

Me and Sarah!

The boys.


Miss Gabbie who helped with finishing touches
and made me beautiful!

Marathoners!!  Shelley, me and Jocelyn!!

Check out #CocktailsOnCullom on Instagram for more pics!  And don't forget the Challenge starts this FRIDAY!!!  Click here for info and let me know if you want in!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Menu 1/28-1/31

**I'll be using items I made ahead and here for that post.

January 28th-31st

Ok...I know I posted this for last week, but I forgot I was off last Monday because the girls didn't have school and their mom was off work.  So, finally doing this recipe now!

Tuesday: Turkey Chili, Cornbread, Green Beans
Pulling it from the freezer, serving it with cornbread now that Pho can have eggs!

Wednesday: Mac&Cheese, Peppers
This is a new recipe...I'm always on the hunt for a different mac&cheese recipe, the pic on this one looked good and its simple to make.  Gonna test it out and take it to school in a thermos for the girls since we don't make it home before swim practice!

Thursday: Dinner Out
We don't make it home after school on Thrusdays anymore because we don't have time after dance ends and swimming begins.  We'll be eating at Whole Foods, Epic Burger or Panera this night.

Grocery List:
Chicken breasts
Brussels sprouts
Cornbread mix
Good Cheese
Pasta Shapes

Friday, January 25, 2013


Man, it's been a busy week.  I've been gearing up for the cocktail party I'm hosting tomorrow night...lots of trips to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Crate and Barrel Outlet, Michaels, Marshalls, Dollar Tree, shopping for/buying/returning dresses to Nordstrom Rack...hours of looking up recipes, writing lists, shopping, hand washing and drying glassware...and on and on.

The girls are off today...apparently they only needed 3 days of education this week-first with MLK day Monday and now this teacher inservice.  At least it's giving me a head start on party prep...anything that can be made ahead of time will be.  I'm also dragging them along to Target for one last trip.  I still need to hit the liquor store, but I don't really think I should take them with me...just seems wrong!

Anyway...this week was spent diving out of my comfort zone...Tuesday I attended a game night where I only knew 2 other girls, and I hardly know those girls at all...have I mentioned that strangers are about the scariest thing on earth to me?  Turned out to be really fun, and another game night is planned for late February, and...I'm actually looking forward to it!

Wednesday night I babysat as usual...finished up my Bible study for Thursday morning, called my mom-it was her birthday (!!!) and watched a few episodes on Hulu.  Thursday is always busy...Bible study (I took snacks because the person on the schedule is no longer in the group) knocked out a bunch of grocery shopping and went to the "Singles Worship" night at church where I met up with the group of people that are involved with another new thing I'm helping with at church (which starts next Thursday night) and again--it didn't kill me to meet and interact with strangers...though I thought it might and mentioned it to Lucy earlier in the evening, to which she replied:

Don't worry Linsey, you are beautiful, smart, funny, can hold a conversation, and everyone loves you.  So, you aren't a good singer-just sing quietly...
Ahhhh...such wise words from such a sassy girl!  Thanks Lucy!

So, that brings us back to today...FINALLY FRIDAY!!!  Looking forward to some girls coming over tonight to decorate and set up as much as we can for the party...ordering burgers and planning on solving all the world's problems...or at least all the problems that can be solved by laughing, eating ice cream and spending time with good, yeah, pretty much everything should be ok in the world by the time you wake up tomorrow!

Pics of the cocktail party next week.

And if you're in the greater Chicago area and somehow missed the invite...all are welcome:

Saturday January 26th at 7:30pm
Dress to impress
Bring a bottle or app to share

Not comfortable posting my address...message me if you need it!

Happy weekend peeps!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pinterest Thursday

Just a few things that stuck out to me this week:

It does make everything better!

And because I saw this and thought, "how creepy...I thought these guys were cute when they were younger?!  YIKES!!"


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

9 Days!!!

Hey guys, only 9 days left before the next challenge starts...we already have a few people stepping up to the plate and the prize pot is building!

Don't have a clue what I'm talking about?  Here are the details...

The Challenge will begin on February 1 and end March 31.

* Each day is worth 2 points
       * A "W" for working out (30+ min, elevating heart rate and breaking a sweat)
       * A "C" for staying within the calorie goal you set (I use this but you can use anything you want)
This is meant to help you reach your goals, so if you are on Weight Watchers for example, your "C" is earned from staying in your points.  If you are aiming for gluten free/dairy free or whatever else, your "C" is earned by following those guidelines.  Just be consistent throughout the entire challenge.  You set this goal people, make it work for you. If you need help/guidance or suggestions, please let me know and we can figure it out together!

* Only 5 workouts a week will be counted.  This is not meant to be an intense bootcamp, it's meant to setup a healthy lifestyle that will be maintainable forever.  We are not going for drastic here people, but healthy and sustainable.

* You'll log each day on a GoogleDoc I will set up once I have the names of everyone participating.  You'll need to send me your email address that you'll use to access GoogleDocs.  If this is sounding like crazy talk, I'll walk you through it one on one.

* At the end of every week, there will be a blank column for tracking weight loss/gain if you want to.  I do -1 if I lost 1pound that week, a -- if I broke even and a +1 if I gained one.  This is totally up to you and not necessary for participation in the challenge.

* I will tally points at the end of the first month so you can see your standings. 

* Prize money will be awarded as follows:
1st place: 50% of total
2nd place: 30% of total
3rd place: 20% of total

* The more people who join, the more money you can get your friends, family and neighbors to sign up by February 1, and money to me by February 8th or you WILL be removed from the challenge.

* This is an "honor system" type thing...we trust that everyone is honestly counting calories and honestly tracking workouts.  If you aren't, that's between you and Jesus.  If you win, that's blood money  you'll be putting in your pockets, and if you're ok with that, then so be it :)

* I try to send an email every week with useful or encouraging articles, stats, etc.  If you want more support, I can meet up, chat, email one on one...I happen to have a wealth of health/fitness knowledge and am here to help.  Don't be afraid to ask!

Once you decide this is right for you:
* Email, text, message, call, or somehow let me know you want in
* Make sure your $20 (for the prize money) is to me by 2/8 (check, cash or Chase Quickpay)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday? Or Tuesday?

I know it's Tuesday already but since yesterday was a holiday and I didn't work, today still feels like a Monday...and what better way to kick it off than an old favorite...

Hope your Tuesday flies by without any of the regular "Monday" issues!

Monday, January 21, 2013

In Memory

Today we remember Martin Luther King Junior...a man who sought peace among neighbors, taught love and equality, all in the name of Jesus.  Here is his address at the march on Washington in 1963.

What are you doing to further peace in our society?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Menu 1/21-1/24

**I'll be using items I made ahead and here for that post.

January 21st-24th

The girls love this I've mentioned before, I double the filling otherwise it's too much chicken to filling.  This is a new brussels sprouts recipe, I've never actually made brussels sprouts before but I do love eating them, hope the girls do too! 

Tuesday: Sausages, Mashed Pots, Corn/Peas
The girls love these thuringer sausages I get at the local meat market...Lincoln Quality...served with mashed pots and a frozen steamed corn/pea mixture.

Wednesday: Crock Pot Lasagna, Bread
I'll thaw one of my containers of sauce from the freezer the night before so I can skip that step during assembly.

Thursday: Dinner Out
We don't make it home after school on Thrusdays anymore because we don't have time after dance ends and swimming begins.  We'll be eating at Whole Foods, Epic Burger or Panera this night.

Grocery List:
Chicken breasts
Brussels sprouts
Crusty bread
Spag Sauce (I use an additional jar of spag sauce when I'm assembling the lasagna as I make more layers than the recipe indicates and don't want it to be dry.)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Easy Money (it could be yours...)

Ok guys, here's the deal...I'm handing out money today...and not just a few bucks.  I'm handing out 220  of the US's finest dollars.

That's right people, three lucky peeps are going to be a bit richer today than they were yesterday.  The Challenge ended on Tuesday and it's time to reward all the hard work that went into the last three months.

The Challenge?  What is that? You're asking...well...let me tell you...

For the past three months, a group of people dedicated to improving their overall health and wellness has diligently logged gym time and focused on healthier eating.  One point is earned everyday a workout (30 minutes or more of exercise, elevating heart rate and causing a sweat) is logged and one point is earned each day for staying within a person's calorie goal.

It's not about who lost the most, it's about who was most dedicated.

And the winners are:

Rachel K with 168 points
Hannah T with 167 points
Beth I with 164 points

Rachel won half the pot, Hannah 30 percent and Beth 20 percent.  That's $110, $66, $44 respectively, people.

How can you get in on this?

Well, it's just your luck, we'll be starting round 2 of The Challenge on February 1.  Here's what you need to do:

* Email, text, message, call, or somehow let me know you want in
* Make sure your $20 (for the prize money) is to me by 2/8

That's it!

And here are the specifics on The Challenge...some changes from last time:

* Each day is worth 2 points
       * A "W" for working out (30+ min, elevating heart rate and breaking a sweat)
       * A "C" for staying within the calorie goal you set (I use this but you can use anything you want)
This is meant to help you reach your goals, so if you are on Weight Watchers for example, your "C" is earned from staying in your points.  If you are aiming for gluten free/dairy free or whatever else, your "C" is earned by following those guidelines.  Just be consistent throughout the entire challenge.  You set this goal people, make it work for you. If you need help/guidance or suggestions, please let me know and we can figure it out together!

* Only 5 workouts a week will be counted.  This is not meant to be an intense bootcamp, it's meant to setup a healthy lifestyle that will be maintainable forever.  We are not going for drastic here people, but healthy and sustainable.

* You'll log each day on a GoogleDoc I will set up once I have the names of everyone participating.  You'll need to send me your email address that you'll use to access GoogleDocs.  If this is sounding like crazy talk, I'll walk you through it one on one.

* At the end of every week, there will be a blank column for tracking weight loss/gain if you want to.  I do -1 if I lost 1pound that week, a -- if I broke even and a +1 if I gained one.  This is totally up to you and not necessary for participation in the challenge.

* I will tally points at the end of the first month so you can see your standings.  This Challenge will start February 1 and end March 31.

* Prize money will be awarded as follows:
1st place: 50% of total
2nd place: 30% of total
3rd place: 20% of total

* The more people who join, the more money you can get your friends, family and neighbors to sign up by February 1, and money to me by February 8th or you WILL be removed from the challenge.

* This is an "honor system" type thing...we trust that everyone is honestly counting calories and honestly tracking workouts.  If you aren't, that's between you and Jesus.  If you win, that's blood money  you'll be putting in your pockets, and if you're ok with that, then so be it :)

* I try to send an email every week with useful or encouraging articles, stats, etc.  If you want more support, I can meet up, chat, email one on one...I happen to have a wealth of health/fitness knowledge and am here to help.  Don't be afraid to ask!

Spread the word, talk it up and get me your info...lets do this people!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pinterest Thursday

Ameila (9years old) took over my Pinterest and showed me a few things she they are and what she had to say about each one:

Pretty castle with a good view.

I just like it...

Cool idea

Look really yummy and smart and funny idea

Brownie batter pancakes...they just look pure delicious!
Click here to follow me on Pinterest and if you'd like to guest post on a Pinterest Thursday let me know!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Best Therapy

This about sums it up:

A shout out to all the ladies in my life who continually encourage, support and challenge me.  Who wipe my tears, let me lean on their shoulders and pick me up off the floor when I'm a crumpled mess.  Who point me to Christ, give me hugs (in person or over the phone) and just love me no matter what.  Too many to name, but you know who you are, and each one of you is dear to me.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


At church this weekend, we sang this song and it hit me hard.  These lyrics: 

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength, always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always

I walked into church Sunday morning thinking about this waiting game...not knowing if what I desire most will ever come to pass...seeing everyone around me get the things I want, the things I've prayed for, waited for--good things, God honoring things...then, this song, these lyrics remind me that God will not delay, He's not withholding anything from me but rather, He's preparing me for what is to come.  He won't keep me in this place one second beyond what is most glorifying to Him.  He is my strength during the waiting, the praying, the crying out for what it is my heart aches for.  His promises are true, yesterday, today and tomorrow--He doesn't go back on His word, He delivers.  Every time.  Without fail. 

Trouble surrounds me, chaos abounding
My soul will rest in You
I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm
My help is on the way, my help is on the way 

When I stop fighting the current and surrender to His will, His timing, my soul will find rest.  I need not fear what is to come, what might not ever come...whatever it is (or isn't) He'll be there, arms open wide, to comfort me, to give me rest, to rescue me...even if it's from myself.  My God doesn't ever walk away.  I might on occasion take a few angry, frustrated, spoiled-brat steps in the opposite direction, but He never does, He's looking to help me, to shelter me, to love me--no matter how many times I throw a tantrum.  

I lift my eyes up
My help comes from the Lord

Keeping my eyes on Him will help me see what His purpose is for me...and will keep my eyes off the disappointment of things not going my way.  The sadness, anger, jealousy, loneliness that comes when everyone you love seems to be swimming in answered prayers.  It's not because God forgot about me, it's simply because He has a different plan for me, one He'll prepare me for and help me to navigate...when you're eyes are fixed on God, you don't notice the choppy waves daring you to doubt Christ's power, causing you to sink and call out...but that's a different song...but man, I do love Peter. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Review

Was busy busy this's a little glimpse into what I was up to:

Friday night was spent snuggled up with a good book...
Isn't my bookmark the cutest?

Saturday AM breakfast...2 eggs+2 whites+orange pepper+onion+
garlic+sharp white cheddar+bacon bits+spinach+fresh avocado on top,
fresh blackberries and an ice cold glass of water.

Hannah and I ready to celebrate Saturday night at a
friend's birthday olive oil tasting!
Popcorn with butter olive oil, garlic salt,
white truffle oil and truffle salt...yum!

Oh Olive! on should check it out,
tons of infused oils and balsamic vinegars!

Dinner at King Crab

Happy birthday Matty...sorry we didn't have any other candles!

Sunday morning...had to burn off all that olive oil and delicious seafood!

Snowman activity for my Sunday night babysitting gig

The kids snowmen

My Sunday night kids!
Not pictured: making cake with a friend, crafting with Hannah, church, 3 mile run, homemade savory crepes and Golden Globe viewing at Hannah and Freddy's...exhaustion...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Menu 1/14-1/18

This week I'll be using items I made ahead and here for that post.

January 14-18

All three of these recipes are new...I'll be using greek yogurt instead of the mayo on the salmon as Pho has an egg allergy.

Tuesday: Pork Chops (from freezer), Broccoli
I'll be pulling one of the crock-pot-ready bags from the freezer and steaming broccoli to accompany.

Wednesday: Chicken Soup (from freezer), Bread
I'll thaw one of my containers of "chicken soup base" and add cut spaghetti (my new fav for chicken soup) and another box of chicken broth...voila!  Chicken soup!

Thursday: Dinner Out
We don't make it home after school on Thursdays anymore because we don't have time after dance ends and swimming begins.  We'll be eating at Whole Foods, Epic Burger or Panera this night.

Grocery List:
Salmon fillets
Greek yogurt
Crusty bread