Wednesday, January 23, 2013

9 Days!!!

Hey guys, only 9 days left before the next challenge starts...we already have a few people stepping up to the plate and the prize pot is building!

Don't have a clue what I'm talking about?  Here are the details...

The Challenge will begin on February 1 and end March 31.

* Each day is worth 2 points
       * A "W" for working out (30+ min, elevating heart rate and breaking a sweat)
       * A "C" for staying within the calorie goal you set (I use this but you can use anything you want)
This is meant to help you reach your goals, so if you are on Weight Watchers for example, your "C" is earned from staying in your points.  If you are aiming for gluten free/dairy free or whatever else, your "C" is earned by following those guidelines.  Just be consistent throughout the entire challenge.  You set this goal people, make it work for you. If you need help/guidance or suggestions, please let me know and we can figure it out together!

* Only 5 workouts a week will be counted.  This is not meant to be an intense bootcamp, it's meant to setup a healthy lifestyle that will be maintainable forever.  We are not going for drastic here people, but healthy and sustainable.

* You'll log each day on a GoogleDoc I will set up once I have the names of everyone participating.  You'll need to send me your email address that you'll use to access GoogleDocs.  If this is sounding like crazy talk, I'll walk you through it one on one.

* At the end of every week, there will be a blank column for tracking weight loss/gain if you want to.  I do -1 if I lost 1pound that week, a -- if I broke even and a +1 if I gained one.  This is totally up to you and not necessary for participation in the challenge.

* I will tally points at the end of the first month so you can see your standings. 

* Prize money will be awarded as follows:
1st place: 50% of total
2nd place: 30% of total
3rd place: 20% of total

* The more people who join, the more money you can get your friends, family and neighbors to sign up by February 1, and money to me by February 8th or you WILL be removed from the challenge.

* This is an "honor system" type thing...we trust that everyone is honestly counting calories and honestly tracking workouts.  If you aren't, that's between you and Jesus.  If you win, that's blood money  you'll be putting in your pockets, and if you're ok with that, then so be it :)

* I try to send an email every week with useful or encouraging articles, stats, etc.  If you want more support, I can meet up, chat, email one on one...I happen to have a wealth of health/fitness knowledge and am here to help.  Don't be afraid to ask!

Once you decide this is right for you:
* Email, text, message, call, or somehow let me know you want in
* Make sure your $20 (for the prize money) is to me by 2/8 (check, cash or Chase Quickpay)

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