Wednesday, January 30, 2013


No, no...don't get too excited, it's actually only Wednesday.  But, on Friday something big is happening.  And it involves winning money!  What is it? you ask, and how can you join in?

Well, its the Challenge of more about it here, but first, let me answer some frequently asked questions:

1. But what if I don't have weight to lose/what if I don't lose weight?

This is not a weight loss challenge-it is a get into the habit of a healthy lifestyle challenge.  Weight loss/gain does not factor in at all.  This challenge is designed to help establish a healthy routine of exercise and consistency in eating.  The points are rewarded each day based on working out and staying within your calorie goals.

2. What if I'm not a huge gym person?  Can I still join?

YES!!  A "workout" is defined as 30 continuous minutes or more of any activity that raises your heart rate and causes you to break a sweat.  This doesn't have to be intense weightlifting or killing yourself on the treadmill.  It could be a swift walk, briskly cleaning your house, a pilates or yoga video that raises your pulse.  Do whatever works for you, just make sure you're doing 30 minutes (or more) and are working hard enough to break a sweat and elevate your heart rate.  We only give points for 5 workouts a week--everyone should be taking a few rest days anyway.  You are more than welcome to workout more but I will only count 5 per week.

3. I don't count calories, so I can't do this, right?

WRONG!!!  We have women on Weight Watchers who are getting the "Calorie" point by staying within their points.  Others are on low carb or gluten free diets so they earn their "calorie" point by sating on their plan.  The key is figuring out what is going to be most beneficial for you and being consistent.  I tend to over eat and portion size is always a problem so I choose to track my calories, keeping accountable to eating a healthy amount of food.  I use The Daily Plate which is free and allows me to put in my height, weight and activity level (not including workouts) plus my weight goals and it computes how many calories a day I should be consuming.  I then track what I eat throughout the day and any exercise I do and it gives me a detailed account of calories and all the nutrients I've eaten.  You can also use My Fitness Pal or any other tracking site/app.  If you need help determining what would be most beneficial for you, please message me and I'll help you figure it out.

4. I have medical issues...what do I do?

This challenge is completely customizable.  If you are on a specific diet, or exercise/therapy plan, just follow that and use those guidelines to track your W  (workout) and C (calories).

5. It's $20 to join?  Why?

Well...if there isn't an incentive most people fall off the wagon, or just never get on in the first place.  All the money goes straight into the prize pot and is awarded to the top 3 point earners at the end of the Challenge.  Prize money is awarded as follows:

1st Place: 50% of the pot
2nd Place: 30% of the pot
3rd Place: 20% of the pot

I don't keep any money.  This isn't about me making money people, it's about hosting a friendly challenge to hold each other accountable in reaching our personal goals.  The more people that enter, the more money there is to win.

The bottom line is, anyone can do this.  To join, message/email me with an email address that you will use to access googledocs and make sure your money is to me by February 8th!

Challenge starts Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in...for reals this time. Where do I send the money? :)
