The girls and I are in the car a TON and I just can't handle them listening to Rhianna and Ke$ha...that's not the influence I want these girls to have. At first they fought it...complained about listening to KLOVE all the time. Now, they sing along with a lot of the songs, listen to the stories, ask questions about what is being said and feel like they know the Dj's. (Here in Chicago, KLOVE broadcasts on 94.3FM)
Sure, the DJ's on KLOVE are pretty syrupy. I sometimes even turn the radio down when they're talking in between songs, but sometimes, I don't. And usually, they are actually saying something worthwhile.
Right now they are doing the pledge-drive. Since they are listener funded they have to ask for donations a few times a year to keep the station going. Just like your PBS station. The stories that come out of the radio during the pledge-drive are crazy. Here are a few of my favorites (please excise the lack of accurate names...I'm going form memory here)
A middle school teacher in New Mexico struggled to get pregnant, finally gave birth to twins and immediately was diagnosed with 2 brain tumors, one of which is inoperable sentencing her to chemo for the rest of her, what is probably now very short life. The students at the PUBLIC school decided that because KLVOE is so important to her and they want to do something to bring her comfort, they set up a collection jar in the cafeteria and committed to putting all their spare change in it each day...donating $20/month to KLOVE to help keep it on the air for their beloved teacher.
A man walked into a UHAUL/Penske/Ryder rental place and rented a truck. He got in it and drove away. An hour later he returned the truck. The owner of the rental place asked what was wrong with the truck. Nothing, it turns out. The radio was tuned to KLOVE, the man hear the song "Lead Me" by Sanctus Real and decided NOT to leave his wife and kids...instead of moving out he turned the truck around and went back to his family.
A 12 year old girl wrote in saying that she's struggled with suicidal thoughts daily and suffers from severe depression. A friend from church told her about KLOVE, she started listening to it and though she still struggles and her depression isn't cured, she has enough hope to want to live. She wished she could donate but she doesn't have any money. Immediately, the phone lines were flooded with people calling in donations from around the country letting that girl know they loved her and her life is worth them donating so she can continue to hear God's word through KLOVE.
A man called in saying he was taking his 6 year old daughter Abigail to daycare when she asked what it means to be saved. She told him she'd heard about people being saved on KLOVE. He explained that it means giving your heart to the Lord and what it entails. She said, "Daddy, I want to commit my life to Jesus." He pulled the car over and they prayed together. He said even though the day was just starting, it was the best day of his life.
Shortly after that, a woman called in and said her daughter heard the story about Abigail giving her life to Christ when they were in the car to school and now she wanted to do the same.
Are you kidding me?! Crap, my eyes are welling up just typing this! God is at work, everywhere. Whether you like KLOVE of not, you can't deny that it is an amazing way to spread God's word and the message of His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness to people who may never set foot in a church. People who are hurting in ways others might not even know.

If you want to donate to KLOVE click here. Also, it's important to note that with a $40 monthly donation the organization "Shoes For Orphan Souls" will donate a new pair of shoes to an orphan right here in the US or somewhere else around the world.
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