Monday, March 4, 2013

One Down, One To Go!

Well, I finished one of the blankets I've been knitting for my girls in Uganda!  I don't know if this one is going to be fore Florence of Specioza...I'm not sure how I'll determine that, but I have time to get that figured out.
For now, I'll celebrate the fact that after many hours of work, one purple blanket is complete!  I've already started on the next's lighter purple as you can see, but I'm knitting it exactly the same.  Hope this one is just as quick as the last!

I was worried that I'd get started and after a week or so push it to the back burner.  It seems like October is a long way off but I knew it'd come up and surprise me and I wouldn't have the blankets done...well, I'm no longer worried about that!  I'll have them both done in plenty of time!

Next on the "to-do for Uganda" list is fund raising.
My least favorite thing--asking people for money.  But, it's a necessary thing so, be expecting a letter or email soon!

Beyond that, I need to start making a list of all the things I want to include in the backpacks I take the girls as well as the items I'll bring to take to the kids at the other Compassion sites we'll visit.  I'm already planning on asking my dentist to donate some toothbrushes but that's as far as I've gotten.

A Classroom at a Compassion site in Kampala

Last time I took tons of school/art supplies and toiletries.

Cutie lookin cool in my shades!
I know I'll bring bubbles and stickers a plenty this time-the kids loved when other sponsors on the tour gave those out.  Maybe a few pairs of sunglasses too...mine were demolished by the time I got back-the kids just loved wearing them!

Thank you again for your prayers for this trip and all the pieces coming together.

Maybe I'll look into getting
some kid-size shoes too.

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