Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happily Ever After

Another trip down memory lane from a past blog.  This one was a great reminder today as I am still struggling with the images of the life I planned for myself.  A piggy back to this post from a few weeks ago about what makes me think I know what a beautiful story looks like...

This post is from February 24. 2010...

As a little girl I was read stories that began, "Once upon a time..." and ended "And they lived happily ever after."

The middle wasn't of any consequence.  All I was waiting for was the part where Prince Charming kissed the princess and they lived happily ever after.  Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel...and thanks to Disney we have, Belle, Ariel, Jasmine, and so many more.

I sometimes get frustrated, feel like a failure because I'm approaching 30 (!!!) and am still looking for my Prince Charming and my happily ever after.  My older sister married her high school sweet heart.  If you know anything about older sisters (mine in particular) it's that they are perfect (at least in the eyes of the little sister) so when I compare my life to hers, I'm left shaking my head and wondering where I went off course.

Was it when I moved to Denver for AmeriCorps instead of getting a Bachelor's degree?  Or when I decided to become a pastry chef instead of something more noble, like being a teacher?  Maybe when I fell in love with all the wrong guys?

I've always wanted the cookie cutter life...go to college, get married, have kids.  Don't you know my plan was to have 4 kids before my 30th birthday, as well as a loving husband, a nice house, 2 cars and a picket fence?  I mean, it's not like I was actually expecting a castle!

I'm failing miserably at that.  But...I'm not actually a failure-and that's what I have to remind myself of.

God chose one path for my sister, and another path for me.  I'm right where God wants me.  I need to remember that I'm only a failure when I compare myself to the plan I made when I was still listening to all those fairy tales.  How can I possibly be a failure when I'm being obedient and constantly seeking Him?

It doesn't matter if we ever fulfill the plan we have for ourselves.  That's not what this life is about.  Are we obedient?  Do we live each moment to glorify Him?  Is it about His glory and not our own?  Are we true to Him even if it goes against every plan we ever had in place?

It's not really about finding Prince Charming and living happily ever after in this life...I'll have my happily ever after with Him when this life is over.

Images courtesy of weheartit

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