Friday, December 28, 2012

A Different Kind of Christmas...

This year Christmas was a little different.  People had to work, had other obligations, etc.  All in all, it was a good holiday-I spent lots of time with family, enjoyed church, and ate lots of delicious food, but it just felt more like a Monday and a Tuesday than Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Here's the celebration in pictures:

Visiting Papa at the Cemetery. 

A ridiculously large stocking balloon and
 a small "you're the best balloon."
 The Collier Family Party:

My Uncle James.

All the "Collier" kids, grandkids and great grandkids...

Uncle James, Uncle Mike, Aunt Julie.

Me, Grandma, Alison, Jillian, Mom.
Alison and Connor.
Jillian, Josh and Baby Connor.
Grandpa and Connor.
Mom and Connor. 
Old Man Shauman seeking refuge under the table.
 The Holmes Family Party:

Uncle Jeff, my cousin Lauren and
brother Josh holding Connor.

Auntie Gail, my cousin Erin, and Uncle Jeff holding Connor.
Kurt and Connor.
Love my nephew Connor.

Christmas Eve:

Grandpa, Grandma holding Connor.
Connor kissing Sophie during Christmas Eve dinner.
Yeah, yeah, I couldn't stop getting pics with him!
Ian, Alison and Josh opening packages.
Grandpa testing out his new hat.

Christmas Lunch: yellow-tomato soup.
Christmas Day:

After lunch mom and I snuggled up on her bed and watched "The Full Monty" then had a hodgepodge dinner, after which I watched the Grinch and read my book.  Not exactly our traditional day, but it was nice anyway.

Christmas Dinner: Apricot jam toast and
champagne punch.

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures! Our Christmas has been covered in sickness... blech, but it's still nice to be with family! Love you!
