Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pinterest Thursday

I saw this pin (click pic for link):

And thought, "how stupid, like you really need a trick to get butter perfectly soft."  Then I remembered the time I put butter in the oven while it was preheating and forgot about it filling my bosses house with so much smoke the girls and I had to spend the rest of the evening in the backyard.  So, I put pride aside and tried this trick...4 seconds on each side and the butter was perfectly soft...just like it claims...

I've made these potatoes several times but they haven't turned out like the pic, click on the pic to see some tips...looks like all the problems I've encountered will be solved!

And seriously, isn't this the greatest idea ever? No more dangling, tangled cords.

This would have come in handy several times over the past few years...I think every surface of this house has been repainted since I moved in 5 years ago, and would have loved this little gem of a tip:

Use a Rubber Band to Wipe Off Excess Paint. 1. Before you start painting, wrap a rubber band around the can of pain so it covers the opening. 2. When you drip your brush into the paint, you can wipe the excess paint off onto the rubber band, rather than the edge of the can.

Click here to follow me on Pinterest.  And if you'd like to share some of your favorite Pins, message me so you can guest-post.

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