Friday, November 30, 2012

The Selection/Defiance (and so on...)

Lucy is an avid reader.  If you've read any of her writing (click here and here to catch up) you know she's not a bubble gum, lace and rainbows kind of girl.  While her little sisters occupy their time with books about cupcakes, secret fashion designers, and best friends temporarily feuding; Lucy and I bond over intrigue, justice, historical/futuristic fantasy...Hunger Games style stories, with strong leading ladies able to find the right balance of beauty and brains to get the job done.

 I've been in need of a good book so I asked Lucy to lend me a few this week.  In 36 hours I finished The Selection by Kiera Cass and Defiance by C. J. Redwine.  Both fall into the fantasy category, taking place far in the future but in true Hunger Games style, things aren't all "Meet George Jetson" it's more like the Firefly series...futuristic, teched-out cowboys.  Though its far in the future, life is more medieval, with a government hiding secrets and trying to avoid a rebellion of any kind.

Lucy and I...we love a good rebellion.

Especially when led by a smart woman out to prove herself among doubting men.

Doesn't hurt if she meets a cute guy along the way either.

Who could resist sweet guys like Peeta or Maxon, or the rugged and mysterious Logan, Gale, Aspen, or my favorite...Four?  But don't get me started on that...

Of the two books, I preferred The Selection.  I was shocked when I got to the last page and read those dreaded words:

End of Book One


A quick amazon search confirmed my two has a tentative release date of late April 2013.

Ugh...have you read all the posts about how much I hate waiting?

Defiance also has a sequel but no information on a release date at this point.

Lucy doesn't understand why I enjoy reading "Young Adult" books so much, I had to explain to her that though the reading level is much too easy, the stories are just what I'm looking for.  They have drama, but not so much it becomes ridiculous; suspense/action, but not to the point of gore and horror; romance, but just enough to make it interesting, not enough to make me blush as I read.

Adult books go too far in all those categories.  As much as I struggle with balance in my life, I like a book to not be heavy on any one thing, but hitting every emotion just the right amount.

I teased Lucy when she picked out her latest stack of books from Barnes and Nobel...each cover showed a beautiful girl in a dress of some sort and wearing a look of distress mixed with confidence and a strong vulnerability.  Just like Katniss.  Just like Tris.  And in someways, just like good ol' Hermione.

Lucy and I, we're cut from the same cloth.  Maybe that's why we have such spirited interactions.  She's a good one, that girl and I now have a better understanding of what my parents had to deal with.

All I can say is:
I'm sorry :)

If you're keeping track with me, Lucy and I are currently waiting on three books:

The third Divergent book which uses "Detergent" as a working title: Expected September 26, 2013
The Elite (Book 2 of The Selection): Expected April 23, 2013
Defiance Book 2: No Release Date Available

And the final Hunger Games Movies:
Catching Fire: Expected November 22, 2013
And Mockingjay which is believed to be split into two separate movies: No Release Date(s) Available

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pinterest Thursday

I've been finding a ton of places I want to are a few:

Santorini, Greece


Rocamadour, France

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany


Thessaly, Greece.

One of the beaches of Paleokatritsi
 on Corfu Island, Greece.
But, I guess Chicago isn't too shabby this time of year either:

To follow me on Pinterest, click here.

I'm looking for readers to guest post the next few weeks and share their Pinterest finds.  Message me if you're interested!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'm Most Myself When...

Looking back at one of my many blogs over the years and I ran across this post that originally debuted on February 12, 2010.  I had read a few blogs that were all doing a similar post about when you feel most yourself, and this was mine:

I am most myself when I am underwater, pushing off the wall, bubbles blowing out my nose surrounded by the whooshing of water in a swimming pool. 
I am most myself when I am on the couch with my girls wearing sweats and eating ice cream, laughing at all the silly things we've said and done. 
I am most myself when I am singing at the top of my voice (not caring who hears) in Worship of Him. 
I am most myself when I feel truly loved and understood.

I don't think I'd change a thing.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Steady My Heart

It's no secret that I've been a little bit of a mess lately.  I'm not sure what God is working on, but man, it is definitely stirring up a lot of emotion and frustration.

I've just needed a steady hand, an assurance that it will all be ok.

Throughout my life, I've sought that from my dad.  No matter what was happening, I knew life would be alright and I didn't need to worry, once I turned things over to Papa.  The past 10 years I've tried to find a man to fill the void that was left when my father died.  Eventually, I realized that God is the only one who can steady my heart.  His plans for me are good.  I know that because He promises me they are and God never breaks His promises:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Pain in this life is inevitable, following where God leads isn't always going to be easy, we're going to shake, tremble, stumble, and fall.

Lately, I've been feeling unsteady and uncertain.  Waiting for God to show me the next step, or how to better glorify Him on this step.

Kari Jobe reminds me that He is holding me in the palm of His hand, His hand is in it all-wether things are going my way or not.

He alone can heal my scars, provide refuge, steady my heart.

Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;
he will never let    the righteous be shaken.        Psalm 55:22

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thankful November

November 20: Thankful that no matter how crazy I feel life is getting, all I need to do is seek God and rest in the knowledge that He is in control.

November 21: The girls were off of school today so I loaded them, their best friend and my bosses parents in the car and headed to the Museum of Science and Industry.  We met up with two of my nanny/mom girlfriends and had an amazing time.  Thankful that I live in a city that values knowledge and is filled with museums.

November 22: Thanksgiving!!  So thankful for the family I have here in Chicago...though we aren't related, we love one another and are there no matter what.

November 23: Headed to the gym bright and early to burn off some of that pumpkin pie at my favorite gym class.  Turned out the instructor was out sick so after most of the class walked out, I announced that I was going to stay and workout on my own if anyone wanted to join me.  I then led 2 other women in a 60 min total body workout.  I'm thankful and blessed that I have a fit and healthy body and have the ability to share my passion with others.

November 24: Felt a little under the weather so took some nyquil before bed.  Thankful for a good nights sleep, it's just what I needed.

November 25:  Spent the day relaxing, reading the Bible, and making meals for friends who just had Baby #3.  So thankful for a quiet at-home day where I could catch up on things and get ready for the week.

November 26:  So thankful for work and the girls.  After a long weekend I found myself missing them, ready to be back in the thick of it with them for a few more weeks before Christmas break!

Friday, November 23, 2012

It's My Blog And I'll...

On a day meant for thankfulness, I sure didn't feel as thankful as I had hoped.

I don't think I've ever cried more tears on Thanksgiving than I did yesterday.

Tears of sadness.  Of not having anyone to share the holiday with.  Of wanting to be with family then more tears that family isn't fitting my ideal "Leave it to Beaver" perfection at the moment.

Don't get me wrong, I started out the day with a great run with Hannah, and a wonderful meal with lots of friends in the evening, followed by football on tv and silly conversation.  The befores and afters really got to me though.

Sitting in an empty house for hours on end waiting for the clock to reach the appropriate time to arrive for dinner.  Coming home to the same empty house after feeding cats at someone else's empty house.  Having too many phone conversations with family end in tears this week.

Wondering when God is going to see fit to change something in my life so I'm not writing this same blogpost next year.

I've always hated fall and winter.  I've seen it as a time of death...everything once green and lush is turing dry, brown and brittle.  But maybe this year I'll approach the seasons with the attitude that this chapter of my life is ending and something even better is around the corner.

What it is?

I have no idea.  And the truth is, I don't really care.  I just pray that God changes something in my life, anything really...I'd move...somewhere else in the city, another place in the country or anywhere around the world, change jobs, find a new passion/hobby, meet someone (gasp...lets be praying extra for this option) or who knows what else God might do...I just pray it happens soon.

Sorry to end the week on a melancholy note...but it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to.

Ps.  Please don't be worried about me, or my mental/emotional health.  I write what I'm feeling but I'm not in some deep dark depression or anything like that.  This is a glimpse into my mind and heart at this moment in time.  The next moment might bring something very different.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


There is a lot to be thankful for today but I'll keep it short.

I'm thankful that God's plans are good.  That He loves me enough to take things I think I want away from me when they are harmful, has me walk through things that are challenging and outside my comfort zone because they will bring me closer to Him or bring someone else closer to Him.  Though I don't understand why things happen or why they happen when they happen, I'm thankful that He isn't ever scrambling for a solution, but instead already knows the outcome and every step between now and then.

I'm thankful that He has surrounded me with so many amazing people who continually challenge, encourage and support me.  Thankful that I have people to lean on when I'm weak and weary, and that He gives me strength when others need to lean on me.  I've been blessed with a loving family...people who have to love me because we're related, and a whole group of people who choose to love me.

I'm thankful that I have so much to give, that God has entrusted me with so much, that I have the ability to share truth with others on a daily basis, that I was born in a country where I have every right available and it doesn't matter that I'm a woman, that I can worship God openly and gather with others to do the same without fear of punishment or death.

I'm thankful for the 22 years I had with Papa.  That God was able to reconcile our relationship before it was too late.  I'm thankful for not one, but two moms who love me more than any spoiled, sassy trouble maker should be loved.  I'm thankful for a man who loves my mom so much he's willing to endure the rest of us and with a smile on his face to boot!  I'm thankful for a sister who knows me better than I know myself and with one look at me can assess what's going on in my heart and speak truths in a way only someone who has been through it all with you is able to do.  A brother-in-law that has been part of my life longer than he hasn't and loves us no matter how crazy we are.  A little brother who has become a strong, responsible, handsome, independent man that impresses me each time we talk.  And a "little sis" that has blossomed into an amazing woman in the time I've known her.  Grandparents that are an amazing example of love, commitment, loyalty and dedication.  Aunts, uncles, cousins that have all touched my lives in their own unique ways, inspired me to reach for the stars, welcomed me back after long absences, and picked up loving me right where we left off.  And a nephew that stole my heart the moment he entered this world.

I'm a blessed girl.  Praying everyone is able to spend this holiday with family and is reminded of what the holidays are really about.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Who Are You To Say What A Beautiful Story Looks Like?

It's no surprise that I struggle with waiting.  More than a few posts have been dedicated to that topic already.  I also don't like not getting my way, or feeling wronged.  I often feel like God owes me a good husband because I'm jumping through all those hoops I previously said don't exist.  All I really want is a beautiful love story of my own.  I have friends with epic stories in far off places, and others with sweet, simple romantic stories.  I keep waiting for mine.  The story I'll tell my kids and grandkids.  The one my friends will gather round to hear as I show off my sparkly new ring.  I long for that story to start.  I trick myself into believing that as soon as I know that story I'll worry less and be able to relax and enjoy all God has for me.  Again, I know that's not soon as my perfect love story is written, I'll start wondering about the next story.  The baby story.  It'll never end.  There will always be another story I'll want written, and written my way.

Last year I joined a women's Bible study at church.  The woman who led it at the time was a tiny little pretty thing full of energy, love and the desire to connect with women and girls.  I didn't fully know her story until after she moved from Chicago but let me tell you--she is an amazing woman of God.  She hasn't been a stranger to trials and yet has constantly looked for ways to glorify God in the process.  

Today, is the day her miracle baby will be born, via c-section.

Click here to read her blogpost from yesterday.

Though my life and hers are at very different points, her sentiments resonate with me to the core.  How many times do I try to tell God that I deserve something after all I've been through.  Who am I to tell God what my perfect, beautiful love-story looks like?

Happy birthday Olivia, congratulations Michelle and Jared!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

When I first heard this song it annoyed me.  But the more I listen to it, the more I love it.

I was reading through Luke and ran across the following passage, and Jesus, Friend of Sinners came to mind.

Luke 6:27 “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. 29 To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic[a]either. 30 Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. 31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.

32 “If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. 35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. 36 Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.
Is this how we act?  Most of the time, I'd say no...we've strayed so far away from Jesus' teachings.

We have come to believe righteous anger is acceptable.  If someone isn't doing something just like we would, or heaven forbid they have a different view than us on something, We cut down people in Jesus' name...but that sword was never ours to swing.

How many times have we been the stumbling block for someone on their search for Christ?  How many times has our witness been tainted by ugly words or actions?  Without us even knowing?  What if this life isn't really about us, but about them--the ones who don't yet know Christ's love?  And instead of feeling holier-than-thou, we remember that once we declare Christ as Lord, our life becomes His and we are now to use this life to bring the Good News to others, instead of being an obstacle, hurdle, or roadblock on their way to Him?
The world is on their way to you, but their tripping over me.
I pray this isn't true of us Lord.

We are all sinners.  Each and every one of us.  Whether you have never known Christ or have called Him Lord your whole life, you will never cease sinning this side of Heaven.  Why then are we always judging others sin?  Are we forgetting that before we came to Christ we needed the love, grace and mercy that we sometimes withhold from others?

Jesus came for sinners, the undesirable, outcasts

Matthew 9:12 On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Mark 2:17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”  
Luke 5:31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

If we saw people as Christ sees them, our hearts would be led by mercy.  We'd love these brothers and sisters that are in such need, because we'd realize that we were once in need and Jesus stepped in. We can love because we were first loved by Him.  If we aren't loving, extending grace and mercy then one has to ask, do I really know the Love of Christ?  Is it evident in how I treat people?  Everyone? Especially those who are different from me, in need, challenging to be around, undesirable to society? 

Hmmm...if Jesus is my example and he's a friend of sinners, shouldn't I also be?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful November

November 15: So grumpy today but thankful for friends like Carley who endure whatever mood I'm in to chat.  At the end of our conversation she said, "I would say its been nice chatting with you but you've been quite negative."  Love that there are people in my life who love me no matter my mood.

November 16: Thankful that the Lord has put strong, funny, Christian women in my life.  Was able to spend the evening with a good friend I haven't seen much lately. We solved all the world's problems, ate dinner, watched some tv and laughed a lot.  Thankful for Beth.

November 17: What a day!  The annual Walker Bro's breakfast and Outlet mall shopping trip with the girls for Hannah's birthday.  A day filled will good friends, good food and good shopping finds!  Thankful that once a year we're able to set a day aside for such fun festivities!

November 18: Thankful for being able to worship God with friends.  Its something we take for granted yet so many around the world don't have this right, or do so in fear.

November 19: So thankful for a short week of work, makes getting up on Monday a little easier.

Click here for the previous installments.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Hey guys...I'm sorry there's no menu post's been a crazy week and there has been less time than there is things to do.  I can telly you I'm only making dinner for the girls twice next week because of the holiday.  We're having pulled pork on Monday night and left over Potato Soup from the freezer on Tuesday night.  I'm adding some ham to the soup this time.  And now I see that I'll be serving pork twice in two days...might change that up...

Enjoy your weekend, I'm off to the outlets for a fun day of shopping with girlfriends.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Photo Friday

On a blog I had in the past I used Friday to post photos from my life.  Real Photo Friday I called it.  It was a nice way to end the week...a happy memory of some sort or a pic of something that happened in my life that week.  Plus, it was an easy post to write.  

I've been super cranky lately.  Just irritable beyond words.  Not really sure why. 

Ok, I have some ideas why, but I don't like thinking it's my fault I feel this way so I continue to hold firm to the "I'm not sure why" thing.**

Anyway...I'll continue to blame the weather for my sour mood.  And I'll remember brighter days when the whole fam cruised from NYC to Bermuda in the summer of 2010.  It was the first time all three of us kids and my cool bro-inlaw hung out as adults for more than just an afternoon.  Mom and Kurt, Grandma and Grandpa as well as my aunt and uncle were on the trip.  Sure, anytime you lock a bunch of Colliers/Holmes/Danielsons on a boat, with no escape, for days on end, there's bound to be a little ruckus, but all in all, some good memories of a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Times little bro, my beautiful sis and mom, me
How am I such a giant??  Oh, yeah...the heels...
Mom and Kurt reenacting the famous kiss!

Bye bye NYC!
Finally made it to Bermuda!
Frolicking in the waves at one of Bermuda's pink sand beaches.
The whole gang!
Uncle Jeff, Auntie Gail, Gma, Gpa, Kurt, Mom, Al, Ian, Josh, me.

  **For those of you who know me well, you know that though I might not be ready to publicly admit what factors are going into this irritation, you know that I've already had honest discussions with several people and have started to implement change...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pinterest Thursday

Last Friday was Hannah's Bday celebration and I hosted a small brunch for some ladies last Saturday.  I served up a few Pinterest finds at each and they were all a hit.

These eggs in peppers are too cute and super easy.  I over cooked a few of them, but heck, I haven't cooked an egg of any kind in a long time.  I also scrambled up some eggs with chopped peppers then spooned them into a couple pepper rings as well...not everyone is a fan of overeasy/medium.

This french toast is amazing.  I added some chopped fresh pear in with the bread before I poured the batter over it.  I also added some cinnamon to the batter because I always add more cinnamon...its so delicious!  I had a ton of leftovers and let me tell you, it's just as good the next day!
I made this amazing flourless chocolate cake for Hannah's bday celebration, it is so easy, so rich and absolutely stunning.  A must make.

Another delight from Hannah's bday celebration.  This stuff is totally addictive.  I think next time I make it I'll do 1.5 or 2 bags of popcorn instead of the 1 it called for, it was a little too ooey-gooey and I think it'd be easier to eat with a little more substance.
Click here to follow me on Pinterest

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful November

A continuation...

November 6: How blessed are we to live in a nation that has fought for the right for all citizens to vote? Thankful that my voice matters.

November 7: I feel really blessed to regularly babysit for an amazing Christian family and their three adorable young children.  Though it tacks an extra 3-4 hours onto the end of my regular workday, it never feels like "work"and I'm thankful for the example they've shown me of a loving, God-honoring family.

November 8: Thankful that I'm part of a women's group that is diverse and inclusive.  We're all so different and I think that's what makes our group so great-we all come from different backgrounds and have seen God's love, grace and goodness in unique ways.

November 9: Thankful for good friends, good food and a reason to get together, like my bestie's birthday!

November 10: I took Lucy on her birthday date--mani/pedi, frozen yogurt and a trip to Target. Just so blessed that I have the ability to connect with the girls and spend one on one time with them, letting them know how important they are to me.

November 11: Thankful for religious freedom and the ability to express our beliefs openly.  Saw Handel's Messiah performed today and can't imagine not being able to celebrate the Lord publicly, like so many followers around the world.

November 12: So thankful that brave men and women have served our country to ensure our freedom.

November 13: As my feet continue to bother me, I'm thankful for my Chiropractor, Dr. Ela, who always listens to my complaints and spends time figuring out how she can make it better.  She always has some tricks up her sleeve and they always leave me feeling better than when I walked in.

November 14: A year ago I was just returning from Uganda where I met my Compassion International girls Specioza and Florence.  I feel so blessed that God has placed those two girls in my life, that He made a way for me to meet them, as well as spend a bunch of time with some other really cool sponsors.  I'll never forget the time we spent riding around in Joseph's bus and I'm thankful that so many children's lives are changed through Compassion's work.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

You got it.  Christmas.  Last night snow fell for the first time this year and though it wasn't much (I'm talking zero accumulation) it was enough to make me want to buy a bundle of firewood and some hot chocolate.  Then I realized I don't have a fireplace.  Oh Well.

I say I hate winter, and mostly I do.  Except when it snows that beautiful movie snow.  Gently swirling through the night sky.  Big plump flakes, or little tiny ones...doesn't matter.  Makes me excited for Christmas parties, Christmas movies, Christmas cookies, and going home for Christmas.

I feel like a kid again, staring up into the dark sky and letting the snowflakes land on my face.  But then I realize I'm blocking the exit from the grocery store and the person behind me isn't loving the first flakes of the season as much as I am and it hits me...I'm an adult.  And when school is called off due to snow, I still have to work-in fact, my workday is longer and more difficult.  I don't have the luxury of sitting in the backseat reading or napping, I'm now the one white-knuckling it through the city holding my breath whenever I tap the breaks or make a turn.

Being an adult is not nearly as much fun as being a kid.  So for now, I'll go back to being a kid, even if it's just for the few moments it takes Bing to tell me about the toys, holly, candy canes, trees and children's Christmas wishes.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Return of Fancy Pants

I must admit.  I have the best pair of pants that has ever been made, worn, seen.  They were my first purchase from Anthro when I moved to the city 5 years ago.  I love them.  I've worn them a grand total of 6 times.

They are just so fancy I don't have a lot of occasions that are worthy of such pants.  I've worn them for Christmas a few times and I bust them out every year for Moody Bible Institute's performance of Handel's Messiah.

This year was no exception.

With Hannah and E in 2009

Much better lighting, with Hannah in 2010

Clearly we were having some lighting issues this year, but it's to be expected when you're using a cellphone camera...yeah, both of us forgot our actual cameras...but I promise those are my fancy pants, don't be fooled by them looking like an average pair of black pants...bummer!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Menu 11/12-11/15

November 12th-15th

Monday: Lucy's Pasta Salad, Rotisserie Chicken 
The girls don't have school so Lucy is making the pasta salad they make and sell at her school's sandwich shop.  I have no idea what the recipe is.  I'll serve it as a side to Whole Foods rotisserie chicken.

Tuesday: Chicken Soup, Cheddar Biscuits
I'm pulling soup from the freezer because I still have some from that HUGE batch I made last month.  If you're making it for the first time...I don't use a recipe, I marinate the chicken in some sort of salad dressing over night then place in large pot with stock, a whole onion, carrots and celery, herbs that seem appropriate (basil, parsley, rosemary thyme, etc) and a spoonful of minced garlic then I cook until chicken is done.  I "pull" the chicken with two forks and chop onion, then at this point I put half the chicken and veggies in a freezer-proof container with only enough stock to cover.  When you pull out of freezer you can add more stock and the noodles at that time.  I actually boil the noodles in a separate pot and add to the stock/veggie/chicken pot, along with the zucchini, a few minutes before serving.

Wednesday: Spaghetti, Bread
Simple...brown some meat, season to taste (I use onion, garlic, dried basil, thyme, oregano and parsley) add some sauce and boil some noodles.  Done.

Thursday: Whole Foods Dinner
We don't make it home after school on Thrusdays anymore because we don't have time after dance ends and swimming begins.  We'll be eating at Whole Foods this night.

Grocery List:
Rotisserie Chicken
Spag Sauce
Crusty Bread

Friday, November 9, 2012

Join the Club...

I am super impatient.  I hate waiting.  I will take a longer route somewhere if it means I can keep moving instead of being stuck in traffic.  I don't even care if it gets me there a few minutes later, I just can't handle sitting and waiting for the person in front of me to move 2 inches at a time.

It's no surprise that I'm waiting, have been waiting for quiet a long time.  Waiting for God to bring my husband into my life so I can live my dream to be a wife and mother.  I sometimes look at my married friends and think "oh, your life is so great because you aren't waiting for your spouse anymore."

I forget that everyone is waiting for something.  I've had some conversations with quite a few amazing women this past week and they have shown me that though God made me special and there is nobody else out there just like me, my situation is not unique in the slightest.

There are many women I know and love waiting for God to bless them with a baby, whether it be biological or through adoption.  They wait just as I do.  Feeling the pain of everyday that passes without seeing the answer to their prayers.  Some have been waiting for years, others are just starting the waiting process, but each one struggles to understand why God hasn't blessed them with this seemingly God-honoring request.

Other friends are waiting on a job.  Waiting to hear if their career will finally move in the direction they've been hoping and praying for.

All of us are waiting on something.  It's hard not being able to make plans or decisions easily, hoping circumstances will change before the "future" arrives.  Seeking God constantly on why He has us in this place when our heart so desires something more.

While I wait for something they already have, I sometimes think these women should stop complaining because they have the thing I want...couldn't they be happy with that?  But I know that's not how it works, this feels like the hardest thing to wait for, but when I'm married and waiting on a child to come into my life, that then will be the hardest thing...

Waiting is never easy.  It doesn't matter if it's watching the clock to punch out for the day, praying for healing from an illness, looking around every corner for "Mr. Right," continually going to interviews hoping this might be the right fit, or feeling the spot in your heart that will only be filled by a child you can call your own.  We may be waiting for different things, but we're all in this together, and we aren't in it alone.

God promises His plans are good.  Good, as in His version of good, not our sinful, human version of good.  He asks us to wait now, and it might not look exactly like we think, but the pay off later is always worth it.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pinterest Thursday

I've whipped up quite a few new recipes's the breakdown on a few of them (click photo for link to recipe):

Made these for Bible Study snacks...serving them up later today,
I think they're delicious, though I would add more p. pie spice, maybe bump it up to 1.5 teaspoons.

I've made these twice already...rave reviews both times.
Seriously, about as easy as you can get and ridiculously delicious!

This cheddar bacon dip mixes together in less than 2 minutes and
will disappear just as quickly.  Seriously, it's crack on a chip!

Hannah made this Spaghetti Squash Casserole for me, but she uses greek yogurt in place of the sour cream .  She also added some garlic chicken sausage from good ol' Trader Joe's.  I made it for the girls and they saw right through my attempts at passing it off as "pasta"  I think it's delicious and seems indulgent but it's actually not bad for you at all!

Red Pepper Pesto Chicken Penne Pasta...Huge hit with the kids,
really delicious and simple...are you seeing a trend here-I only like to make simple things :)
Potato Soup...just what was needed on a chilly Chicago fall day.  I loved it, though it was a little thin...I'd prefer it to be more of a "chowder" consistency.  Girls requested more bacon or even cubed ham.  They are definitely a meat and potatoes family...this just apparently wasn't enough meat with the potatoes.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yeah, Yeah, I Know...

I get that it's only November.  The beginning of November in fact.  Not even Thanksgiving.  And I do love Thanksgiving, it's actually my favorite holiday.  Promise.

Yet...I have been listening to Christmas music for a solid week now.  And even longer if you count all the times I've been at Hannah's house...she's been blasting it since, I don't know, August, September...

This is definitely one of my faves...

King forever, ceasing never, over us all to reign...

Gives me chills.

A great reminder that God is in control.  Yesterday, today and forever.  Doesn't matter if your candidate won yesterday or not...God is the one with the power.

So, on this Wednesday in the beginning of  November, some Christmas music...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Get Out There

Voting day.

No matter your opinion, you are blessed to live in a country that allows your voice to be heard.  Don't take this lightly.  Most people around the world are not afforded this privilege that we consider one of our basic rights.

Women especially need to get out there...even in countries that allow for a public vote, many times women are still not allowed to cast their vote. You are fortunate to be seen as an equal in society, given the same rights as any man.  Don't take that for granted.

Also, no matter the outcome tonight, please refrain from bashing the man elected.  You may not agree with his politics, beliefs or choices, but God calls us to pray for our leaders.  The office of President of the United States of America is one that commands respect whether you voted for the man occupying the seat or not.  If we can't show respect to our own leaders, why would we expect anyone else around the world to?

Come on people, get out there, act like grown-ups and exercise your right as an American.  Do your part, let your voice be and women have died so you could do this.  Don't let them down.

1 Timothy 2:  I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all peopleto be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransomfor all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles. Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.