Remember when my new years resolution was to limit myself to only 3 social/extracurricular activities a week? Well...this week alone, I have lunch dates, dinner dates, hair appointment, babysitting, multiple church events, more much for 3 extra things a week... I'd be content with cutting down to three things a day at this point!!
Well, under strict orders from my girl Carley, I took some much needed time to myself yesterday. I plugged in the twinkle lights (still up from the party), made myself a cup of Big Train Chai (decaf, of course...), lit a few candles, set Pandora to my "I love Jesus" station and took out my Bible. I curled up on the couch and read. Diving into 1 Kings, Acts and finishing up my Beth Moore "James" Bible study.
Then...I took a nap...just a short one, only 30 minutes.
I tell you what-tuning out the world (i.e. silencing my phone and putting the computer out of reach) and curling up on the couch and spending some time with God, even for just a few minutes has done wonders for my attitude, outlook, and general wellbeing.
I'm able to breathe...see each of the items on my "to-do" list for what they are instead of things that are plotting to ruin my life (ok, that's a little dramatic...). For some reason I feel I need permission to take a break. I needed Carley to tell me yesterday...nay, order me, to find a day or two this week to do nothing. To take care of me. And if you've ever met Carley, you know she's not someone to disobey...that girl, as tiny as she is, will kick your buns, even if there is half the country between you...she's the girl Chuck Norris...and you may be chuckling about this, but I'm not joking!
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the "to-do" list that I forget that none of it means anything if I'm not centered in Christ. I can't put on anyone else's oxygen mask if I've neglected to put on mine. I find myself running out of air, but today, I was least for now...the world has a funny way of depleting your supply rather quickly and sometimes even without you noticing...
Anyway, praying that we can all make God our priority, set time aside to refocus our attention on Him and allow Him to fill us. Hopefully we come to Him regularly, and often...waiting till our levels are dangerously low can only spell disaster. And really...can't some of the stuff on our to-do list wait?
After all:
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)
What does "being still" look like for you?
This is what it looked like for me yesterday:

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