Monday, September 24, 2012

You're Supposed To Have Curves...

You've read all about Lucy and her take on me and my life.  But what you don't know is that her sister, Pho, is maybe the sweetest almost 11 year old around.  She's the middle sister, so she and I have bonded on such things as: constantly being picked on by older sister while simultaneously being unable to pick on younger sibling due to "baby status" held worldwide by all youngest children which protects them from the same cruel and unusual punishment handed down by oldest to middle sibling.

Anyway, I digress...she, much like me gets hangry and on occasion steam has been seen coming out her ears, but she has a big heart and so much love to give.

The other day while we were waiting for Lucy after school I was recounting my day for Pho: dentist, trip to target, etc.  

Who doesn't think Marilyn's
curves are beautiful?
"What did you get at Target?"

"Uh...some shapewear."

"What's that?"

Lets see, how do I explain shapewear to a skin and bones, completely innocent, pre-pubescent girl?

"Well, you know that wedding I'm going to in a few weeks, and that dress I'm planning on wearing?"

"Yeah.  It's really pretty Linsey."

"Thanks.  Well, I feel like I might be a little lumpy in it.  Shapewear is tight material that sucks in all your bits so you look smooth in the dress."

Without missing a beat, Pho replies, "You don't need that Linsey.  You aren't lumpy and you're thinner than most people out there."

"Thanks Pho.  I still feel like maybe I could use some help sucking in a little, ya know, I just have some extra shape."

"What do you expect Linsey?  You ARE a woman after all.  You're supposed to have curves."

Clearly she's my favorite.

And yes, I was the woman walking around Target holding shapewear, 3 boxes of tampons and some advil.

Welcome to my life.

What do you expect?  I'm a woman after all, and it's totally acceptable...just ask Pho.

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